★†xXGH0STK1NGXx†★'s profile picture

"Listening to music :3"

14 and silly!1!1!1!!2!1!

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Mood: Sick as fuck

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★†xXGH0STK1NGXx†★'s Interests


I liek drawing, animation, fashion and things liek tht!! <3


Ayesha erotica, 6arelyhuman, MCR, seeyouspacecowboy, sanity's fall, slipknot, sex pistols, Alex g, mitski, degenerate loser, philosophical gun club, the loser(s), stolen babies, baby metal, dance Gavin dance, suicidal tendencies, Bauhaus and so much more!1!1!


Buckaroo bonsai <3



Percy Jackson, ready player one, maze runner, Magnus Chase, and a lot of manga!!


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Who I'd like to meet:

Scene, punk, goth and emo kids friend me!1!1!1!!

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