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"Driving the Batmobile "

Batman is me

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Mood: I am Batman

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F_SieSixx969's Interests


I luv 2000s emo and scene fashion and I do fashion alevel which I luv to include the punk and goth scene for arguments against consumerism and rights in my essays


I adore bvb and Asking Alexandria some honestly mentions rn are sweet blasphemy (we re-stich these wounds version) and the final episode also I enjoy some nu-metal like korn and limp biscuit and I like linkin park as well as three days grace, snow whites poison bite and falling in reverse, some others I also listen too are escape the fate, system of a down, paramore, mcr, ptv, 


I rlly enjoy older movies such as Jennifer’s body (not just cause it’s got patd! >,<) and freaky Friday as well as classic dad movies such as the mandalorian, James Bond and mission impossible


I will watch endless big bang theory, young Sheldon and modern family as well as the odd documentary on ancient civilisations throughout history


I don’t get much time to read anymore sadly apart from my maths textbook :’(


I am batman

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F_SieSixx969's Blurbs

About me:

I’m 17 and doing alevels in new to spacehey and wanna make some friends with the same interests as me, I have a dog called piper and she’s a black spaniel as well as three chickens! I luv bvb and Andy biersack and recently asking Alexandria x

Who I'd like to meet:

I’d rlly like to meet Andy biersack cause his stories from his early career sound insabe

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