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"annexing canada"

southern pride

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Mood: chill

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Val's Interests


I like many things. my main interests are music, (which will be detailed below) history like WW1, Vietnam, War on Terror, 9/11, military, true crime, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City Bombing, terrorism in general. (NOT in support. it is just an interest.) SHARP skin culture, weaponry, video games, politics, human anatomy, the phenomenon of child soldiers, anarchy.


S.O.D., Nailbomb, Dystopia, M.O.D, Putrid Stu, Exhumed, Repulsion, Eyehategod, Acid Bath, Crowbar, Mastodon, Isis, Deicide, Discharge, DOOM, Regurgitate, Impetigo, Xasthur, MACABRE, Insect Warfare, Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, NIN, KMFDM, Husker Du, Ministry, Godflesh, Chemlab, Thrill Kill Kult, yelworC, oomph, revolting cocks, x marks the spot, wumpscut, einstรผrzende neubauten, extreme noise terror


anything David Lynch, apocalypse now, full metal jacket, thin red line, the human condition, natural Born killers, pulp fiction, doom generation, totally fucked up, terminator films, zero day, duck! the carbine high massacre, universal soldier, alien, die hard, trainspotting I am going to watch more films


I like video games such as: S.T.A.L.K.E.R, COD (black ops II is my favorite) war thunder, doom, Arma 3, HOI IV, halo (sometimes), counter strike, Wolfenstein, tf2, 007 nightfire, dishonored, quake, project snowblind, red faction


It is hard to be a god - Strugatsky brothers The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin Les Misรฉrables - Victor Hugo A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce The Man in the High Castle - Phillip K. Dick I also like Camus and Dostoevsky, Vanechkin and Zizek.


Strelok. Derwin.

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Val's Blurbs

About me:

Valentine. 19. authentic depravity straight from white trash "america." southern nihilism front. just here to make friends and chill. PROUD TO BE A REBEL Donne cinq cents pour le mardi gras!

Who I'd like to meet:

people with dignity. those against censorship.

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