
thebigandtallkidツ's profile picture

"on the Desktop"

I'm 17 years old, born in 15th March 2007

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Mood: Nostalgic

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thebigandtallkidツ's Interests


Animation. Playing Video Games. Having Fun. Being humorful. (sometimes) pissing off mean or angry people ;) Playing the Guitar.


I Like a LOOOOOOOOTTTT of different Music Genres and Artists and I don't think it's worth it to mention it all here. Somebody say "I Wanna Know!"? well just come Knocking and send a Message! Aw c'mon, I don't Bite! I Promise!


I literally have a cabinet with around and about 500 Movies and Blu Rays so I Can't really Pick One but i Generally lean to Action, Adventure, or Animated Movies but I also Enjoy Movies that Involve Terrence Hill and/or Bud Spencer (I freaking Love them both!) for Internet (Youtube) I mostly lean towards Older videos like from Pewdiepie or Smosh, but I Also use Youtube in case I need to Fix something, and I also Enjoy more Modern videos from Mr Beast, 1980sgamer and Plainrock124, but to be fair, I watch a looooot of stuff so I Might be Missing a few


for TV Shows/Web Series, I grew up Watching Oggy and the cockroaches, Phineas and Ferb, Fairly odd Parents, Spongebob, Dumb ways to Die, the Pink Panther, Happy Tree Friends, Tom and Jerry (who hasn't?), Lazy Town, Bob the Builder Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Shaun the Sheep, Caillou and last but not least, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I'd say that Happy Tree Friends is my Favorite, even now! (you guys do a great job, Looking at you too Kenn Navaro ;)


I close to Never read Books (I just Tell others I do to seem Mature) But I Did Read a crap ton of anatomy Books for Kids and Disney Books Too, and I wanna check Out Some Animation Books too


Heroes come in all shapes and Sizes and without Capes too! So I don't have a Favorite Fictional Hero

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thebigandtallkidツ's Blurbs

About me:

Hi Guys! my Name is Mahdi...or Herbert if that's easier for the tongue. I Hail from Germany and live in the state of Brandenburg (the city/town name will be my little secret :3) and i'm happy to hang out and chill with fellow spachehey'ers! i'm not allergic to anything, though i really don't like Tomatoes and corn. i Play the Guitar (Occasionally...) and i enjoy playing video games and i'm also learning to Animate Vector in Flash! i'm pretty friendly and outgoing unless i have to be more mean. i'm half German on my mom's side and half Lebanese/Asian on my dad's side. I have a love for the old internet and old tech too! so you might find me Nerding about some stuff like old iphones, ipod touches, dial up and my favorite, Backwards Compaible PS3's! (looking at my fellow nerds out there ;) I'm also a pretty old Fashioned Person so you'll see me in more of a 2000's style clothin and i also use older tech (yes, i use a thinkpad T60 with win XP too) and for Languages real quick, I speak German and English but I'm learning French currently

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Terence Hill and Bud Spencer...even though i'll never meet Bud Spencer...(RIP Bud...) though i'd also enjoy meeting the creators of Happy tree friends and Smosh! otherwise, i'm not too wishful to meet famous people, meeting less known people can be more fun and exciting! No?

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