
Endangeredspecimen 's profile picture

"jorkin it"

22, Au

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Mood: apathetic

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Endangeredspecimen 's Interests


You couldn't tell?


Currently: * The Telephone Man * Blonde Redhead * City Of Caterpillars * Saetia * Swing Kids * Julia... * Mohinder * Pinback * Frail * all my wishes were thrown down a well and should die there


* Pi * Blue Bayou * A Separation * Nobody Knows * Blue Valentine * The Lighthouse * Graveyard Of Honor * Pusher Series


* Terriers * True Detective (S01) * Generation Kill * The wire (Duh) * Oz * The Sopranos (Duh) * Barry * Succession


* No Longer Human * The Spirit Level * Crime and Punishment * Symposium


* Steve Albini * Jason Albertini * Julian Assange * Che Guavere

Endangeredspecimen 's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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Endangeredspecimen 's Blurbs

About me:

We can't escape this eternal damnation, the inescapable mould that braces our area of skin and the cement our sinking feet drag in, this fury, dread, and desperation, our essence of humanity- instincts cling with utter hopelessness to life; awaiting something to subvert us from the conscious, burgeoning realty. Our most fearful nightmare was awakening :3

Who I'd like to meet:

no one

Endangeredspecimen 's Friend Space

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