"sucking dick"
sum, ergo cogito
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Music |
car seat headrest - twin fantasy
neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea
car seat headrest - teens of denial
cocteu twins - heaven or las vegas
cocteu twins - treasure
la dispute - Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
la dispute - king park
death cab for cutie - plans
100 gecs - 1000 gecs
underscores - fishmonger
underscores - wallsocket
crystal castles
marina - electra heart
mitski - puberty
famy - we fam econo
modern baseball - sports
mom jeans - best buds
beach bunny - sports
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sleigh bells - treats
the front bottoms
the front bottoms- talon of the hawk
radiohead - kid a
radiohead - the bends
cavetown - this is home
deftones- diamond eyes
the postal service - give up
grimes - visions
grimes - halfaxa
casiotone for the painfully alone - etiquette
boards of canada - grogaddi
beach house
beach house - depression cherry
beach house- bloom
beach house - teen dream
wallows - nothing happens
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