snickle snockle

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1992, male, California.






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About me:

Go to account settings, privacy, and change it so everyone can message you. I'm just a super introvert who freaks everyone out with how serious and quiet I am. I first noticed I was different in kindergarten. I like anime, mma, lifting weights, baduk (it's superior to chess in every way), eating cannabis edibles, conspiracies, the paranormal, and 4chan. I saw a ufo, researched them for 10 years, and concluded they're just demons in a modern disguise. Literally praying to Jesus repels them. I can direct you to books and case reports to prove this. Illuminati and Freemasons controlling everything? Nope. That's just code for Jews, and the holocaust never happened. I can prove that too if you ask for it. I have ocd, and pills are the only thing that helps. Gays are pedos, some races are smarter than others, and I like fat women. That's everything I can think of.

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