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"Playing DMC3"

I live in germany, my german is bad.

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Stel's Interests


Uhhh, souls games, games, DMC, i like watching videos, maybe a talk about martial arts wouldn't hurt. I listen to 1nonly, king von, slevpy and other rappers, I listen to any type of music but I mainly listen to rap.


Mainly rap, but anything works.


I don't really watch movies, only with my ex. BUT i do watch anime! currently watching berserk, hajime no ippo and fate!


erm...I dont watch TV.


I don't really read books, the only time i'd read a book is if an anime is unfinished and is not going to for a few years. That's when ill decide to read the manga.


me myself and i

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About me:

Hii, I'm 16 years old. I like playing souls games like the dark souls trilogy, elden ring, sekiro etc. I just finished every DMC game, masterpiece. I love dmc3

Who I'd like to meet:

Someone with the same interest as me, I would be happy to get to know some new people.

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