
cornishpretzel's profile picture

"sleeping "

16, from serbia

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Mood: numb

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cornishpretzel's Interests


playing bass, looking for abandoned places, and listening to music


mcr, ptv, system of a down, ekv, haustor, vocaloid, artan lili, mortal kombat, angel's breath, bicarke, courtney love, hole, evanescence, goatmare, goblini, kikuo, maretu, kittie, konstrakta, ldr, marina, melanie martinez, mitski, misfits, mokri filteri, penelope scott, phoebe bridgers, repetitor, scary bltches, siouxsie, tv girl, sarlo akrobata


pearl, the substance, possibly in michigan, beneath the skin, black swan, the menu, x, perfect blue, jennifers body, maxxxine, the killing of a sacred deer, ready or not, blair witch project, thirteen, the craft, the end of evangelion, scream, orphan, the love witch, autopsy of jane doe, hush, fall, the strangers, the lodge, elvira, the lie, unfriended


skins, american horror story, evangelion, wandavision, the act, future diary, kakegurui, death parade


loveless, radio silence, nana, goodnight punpun, tomie, gyo, uzumaki, solitaire


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    silly billy little creature <3

well into     looking for a bf :3

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