otto <3

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otto <3's Interests


nerdy shit. we're a system so generally speaking , whatever our sources are, we're interested in that. ;P


musicals, rock , rap , metal (?) , other artists... feel free to ask for examples of each <3 + otto likes 1930s german music bc of source lmfaoo


21 + 22 jump street, call me by your name, daydreamer, grave encounters, girl interrupted, DOAWK movies (1-3), other shitty 2000s movies ...


breaking bad, the 100, DC shows (young justice, teen titans)


anything by christopher isherwood ... among other things, but that's what we're currently on


otto <3's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

bald gremlin guy (view more)

intro?? (view more)

otto <3's Blurbs

About me:

hi !! we're an OSDD system of sorts with weird niche-ish interests ! very open to making friends and we LOVE to yap. . . also LATVIAN!! living in uk (bleh).

Who I'd like to meet:

other systems, other nerds :p, hot ppl LMFAOO people with similar interests ig ?? OTHER EASTERN EUROPEANS !!! !

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