
Kayyy's profile picture

"Drawingggg :p"

14, USA, she/her

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Mood: Tireddddd

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Kayyy's Interests


I LOVEEEEEE ARTTTT! I also really love to sew and do crafts! I really enjoy babysitting as well! Playing Roblox + Minecraft too!


I love alt pop and soft jazz a lot! Love listening to Melanie Martinez! (Live, laugh, love Mel <333) Also love Laufey! Loveveevevevveveeeee Beabadoobee!


Rlly like anime movies! Okko's Inn is a really sweet animated movie on Netflix! I've seen it a bunch of times and it's NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGHHHH! It's about paranormal spirits and it's really cute and sweet!


Anime! Slice of life anime like: K-On, Lucky Star Action: JJK, AOT Paranormal: Haunted House, Blue Exorcist Shoujo: Kimi Ni Todoke And there's so much more I love!


Not a huge huge reader... I love graphic novels tho! Some recs are: 'Ghosts' and 'Those Silver Eyes'


Hmmmmmmmmm... Jesus fs fs My friends <3333 (W+A+G+L+E <3333)

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Hiyaaaaaaa! Nice to meet you! :D

Who I'd like to meet:

Other artists and Christiansss! New friends in general! Ppl who play roblox >:] Ppl who also obsess over emoticons + emojis

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