
C☣︎rey's profile picture

"gn guys"

she/her ][ 15yo][hungary][ :3

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Mood: :DDD

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C☣︎rey's Interests


I like to play music (I wish I could) and hang out with my friend, my girlfriend is my everything. If you see me half-boarding with a beer in my hand, it's me. My favorite color is Green and black, My favorite artist: I'm a Mettalica (since I was a kid) and the dumbest possible person on this earth(WHAT SHOULD BE WRITE HERE :<?)


I love music and my taste is quite mixed. In most cases I listen to Rock/Alter rock music, but sometimes I listen to metal, plain alter or indie music, it depends on my mood. I often listen to Metallica (when I was a child), but I really like a couple of songs by Krish Roy, for example. I also listen to some of our domestic artists, it's more alternative music. But what I listen to depends on my mood.


Adventure time, The olw house, Arcane, and idk




I dont read books



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C☣︎rey's Blurbs

About me:


I couldn't write anything about myself. My sexuality is Bisexual (although I don't pinch men) and I have a girlfriend. I am an artist, I like to draw, take photos, (at a professional level) I also play the guitar a little, I also like Slam Poetry, and I like to write poems. I'm Hungarian (SADLY). I am open to people. Music is my everything and my friends (Górény this is for you).That's all about me :3

Who I'd like to meet:

My ig:coreey__3

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