
Helena 's profile picture

"im awake and feeling like a cheeky lad"

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Mood: bored

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Helena 's Interests


i really like my chemical romance 

i play games like overwatch, dead by daylight, i really like resident evil games


I listen to basically any music but i generally listen mostly to 

MCR, Frank iero, P!atd, alice in chains, metallica, green day, blink-182, nirvana, and etc!!!


i really like freaky friday or mean girls

and the trash silent hill movies


in my free time i like to watch star vs the forces of evil

the amazing world of gumball

regular show

and twd


i used to read a bunch of books but i really don’t anymore..

but i do like anything that’s poetic or sad


my hero’s are basically anyone who has made the music i listen to

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About me:


my names Helena 

i’m 15 years old and i go by she/her

i like girls 

Who I'd like to meet:

i’d like to meet frank iero really bad or mikey way literally any mcr member lmao

Vic Fuentes too

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