Br1ya scene gurl :3

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"being sillysz :/"


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Mood: bored XD :3

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Br1ya scene gurl :3's Interests


born to shit: forced to wipe: the autism spectrum: I'm autistic: just a mlp blinkie: will you him his order: get doxed: godfucking damnit:



DEFO ALL SCREAM MOVIES!! and goodboys and 13 going on 30 (idk watch alot of movies)


tv shows? I LOVE THE MIDDLE (Axl hecl lver) 2 broke girls!!!!! everbody hates chris, mom, shameless.!? ig hehhee


I LOVE BOOKS beach read, dairy of a teenage girl, the husbands, love and and other words and a few more.!


mah besties!!! tay tay bay bay blakey millie, audrey, brylee, lylah,lillie,henley!! also my cat momma dada and my brother and the lord!

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About me:

im so cewl heheheh anyways :O.. my names br1ya (my nick name) my real name is briya pronounced bri yuh! yurhhhhhhhhhh. Anyways im awsome add me besties!! (ilovebooks) #booktok #booktober im a silly goober anyways :///... BAIII #em0 #l0ser #rockstar554 #catlover29 #superockingrunge #themiddLe #sillynessunite! #!!! #??? :3.

Who I'd like to meet:

you uwu >.<.>

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