Moon Fire

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Moon Fire's Interests


TATTOOS, PIERCINGS, CRYSTALS, BUDDHISM - TIBETAN, WRITING, READING, genealogy, ASTRONOMY, STARGAZING, HALLOWEEN, shopping, photography, drawing, novels, graphic novels, webcomics, science, music, sleeping, eatting, tv (Netflix and Disney +), blogging, B-line, c-dramas, k-dramas, Japanese dramas, coffee, energy drinks, kombucha tea, ufos, Dzongkha language, tibetan language, languages, collecting rare books and magazines, accounting (for fun)! Creepypasta, cryptids, collect, video games, discord, you name it we like it just so long as it’s not NSFW!


Ludachris, missy Elliot, insane clown posse, spice girls, backstreet boys, BTS, limp bizkit, korn, k -pop, j- pop, disturbed, twiztid, razakel, ABK, boondoxx, Marilyn Manson, citizens of Halloween, crime, snoop dogg, abba, meiko kaji, fat Joe, soft cell, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, Nancy Sinatra, om voices, Peter schilling, scooter, synth pop, David Bowie, sting, Panchiko, Johnny Cohen, Daring Greatly, DanzCM, Sparks, Tears For Fears, Foster The People, gorillaz, Kim Wilde, Blur, Foo Fighters, Peter Schilling


Studio ghibili, purge, saw, hostel, hurtlocker, Adam sandler (funny), hills have eyes 1+ 2, reanimator trilogy, repo: a genetic opera, vertical limit, 14 peaks, summit of the gods, halloween, chucky, Freddy, Jason, Texas chainsaw massacre, lord of the rings, hobbit, nightmare before christmas, labyrinth, dark crystal, Ghostbusters, Spirited Away, Jurassic Park, The Mummy Series, WarGames, Inside Out, Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory


Cobra Kai, Buffy, x-files, desperate housewives, army wives, bless the harts, king of the hill, ōokū: inner chambers, dalmer, FBI files, ink master, simpsons, tree house of horror, family guy, criminal minds, sailor moon, rugrats, grey’s anatomy, cosmos! Stranger Things, The Mandalorian, Gargoyles, Sword Art Online, The DragonBall series


Falling, the Persian, graphic novel, manga, harlequin romance, the stand, it, goosebumps, lord of the rings, hobbit, letters to Father Christmas, the best love story ever told, rare magazines, world’s most dangerous place, comeback alive, dead time, shivers, astronomy and stargazing! And fairies others books!


Stephen king, Buddha, Bruce lee, Lisa scottoline, Judi picoult, violent jay, shags too dope, Cynthia Rothrock, Carl Sagan, rl stine, anaïs nin, Trevor Henderson, Bailey sarian,

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Moon Fire's Blurbs

About me:

We are Moonfire, and we come together from two sides of the world (Canada and USA) to awaken the spirit animals in you through our own take on acoustic rock! Let us hope you enjoy this aural journey.

On guitar and vocals is Whitefang (gwen B)

On vocals also is Fleazombie (Elena Melanson)

Who I'd like to meet:

Artist, YouTubers, musicians, photographers , models, tattooists, writers, people with a good heart and manners! DNI, IF YOU ARE RUDE A CYBERBULLY OR A MEAN AND JUDGEMENTAL PERSON OR IF YOUR OVERALLY RELIGIOUS AND/OR POLICITICAL

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