"F1n4ls. 1’m s0 t1r3d :["
H3/h1m 0r 1t/it5! 4lw4ys typ1ng 1n l3etsp3ak 5rry
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Mood: 8urnt 0ut.
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Contacting F4nd0m_Sm0oth1e
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F4nd0m_Sm0oth1e's Interests
General |
Tr4nsf0rm3rs, Pr3s5ur3, Bl0ck T4le5, FN4F, D3tro1t: B3c0me hum4n, B4T1M, 1 H4ve N0 M0uth 4nd 1 Mu5t 5cr3am, Ultr4k1ll, K1nit0P3T, Ph1ght1ng!, P0k3m0n, M0uthw4sh1ng, L3g4nds 0f 4dv3nturus: 0nc3 Up0n 4 W1tchl1ght, Cr3epyp4st4, D4v3 & B4mb1 (4NY m0d 0r 4U), 3ddsw0rld, M4dn3s5 C0mb4t, M4rbl3 H0rn3ts, M4ndel4 C4tal0g, 4NY h0rr0r m0vi3s, Th3 W4lt3n F1le5, L0c4l 58, K4iju P4rad1s3, T3am F0rtr3ss 2, 1r0n Lung, Und3rtal3, Tr3v0r H3nders0n Cr3atur3s, 5prunk1, T4DC, P1zz4 T0w3r, Th3 B0il3d 0n3, S0n1c.3XE 4nd 1t’s sp1n-0ff5, 4nd Dung3on5 & Dr4g0n5! |
Music |
0st’5, C418 M1n3cr4ft Mu5ic, 4NY s0ng by F1shcr4ck5, D4G4m3s, L3m0n D3m0n, 0mor1, Sh4dr0w, Y4el0kr3, D4n 8ull, Gh0st, P4n1c! 4t Th3 D1sc0, M0ldyG4ng5taH3ro 4KA M0ldyGH, Tryh4rdn1nj4, CG5, Uglyburg3r0, F4ll 0ut B0y, 4l3x G, J4mes M4rr1ot, 4nd M0th3r M0th3r! |
Movies |
Scr3am, T3xas Ch4ins4w M4s5acr3, N1ghtm4re 0n 3lmstr3et, H0us3 0f W4x, Th3 B0y, 4NY Tr4nsf0rm3rs m0vi3, 4nd Bl4ck Chr1stm4s. |
Television |
Tr4nsf0rm3rs, m4inly! |
Books |
N0ne, 1 d0n’t r3ally r3ad. |
Heroes |
0pt1mu5 Pr1m3, St4rscr3am, M3gatr0n, B1lly L0om1s, Th4tch3r D4vi5, 8ubb4 S4wy3r 4nd M3gatr0nu5 Pr1m3 <3 |
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About me:
Tr4nsf0rm3rs, Pr3s5ur3, Bl0ck T4le5, FN4F, D3tro1t; B3c0me hum4n, B4T1M, 1 H4ve N0 M0uth 4nd 1 Mu5t 5cr3am, Ultr4k1ll, K1nit0P3t, Ph1ght1ng, P0k3m0n, M0uthw4sh1ng, L3g4nds 0f 4dv3nturus: 0nc3 Up0n 4 W1tchl1ght, Cr3epyp4st4, D4v3 & B4mb1 (4NY m0d 0r 4U), 3ddsw0rld, M4dn3s5 C0mb4t, M4rbl3 H0rn3ts, M4ndel4 C4tal0g, 4NY h0rr0r m0vi3s, L0c4l 58, Th3 W4lt3n F1l3s, 4nd Dung3on5 & Dr4g0n5! (P5; 1 W1ll C0N5T4NTLY b3 3d1t1ng my pr0f1l3 bc 1 f0rg3t 4 l0t 0f th1ng5 4bt m3, s0 3xp3ct th1s l1st t0 3xp4nd 4 L0T l0lz!!)
Who I'd like to meet:
4nyone 1nter3sted 1n ju5t ch4tting 4bt mus1c, v1d3o g4mes, Tr4nsf0rmers, Bl0ck t4le5 0r Pr3ssur3 0n R0blox, 0r FN4F! 0r any0n3 ju5t 1nter3sted 1n ju5t ch4tting!
0r m4yb3 s0m3 pe3p5 1ntr3st3d 1n RP1ng!
F4nd0m_Sm0oth1e's Friend Space
[view all]F4nd0m_Sm0oth1e has 13 friends.
F4nd0m_Sm0oth1e's Friends Comments
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Jay Jay Winstun |
Loveing if the profile home dawg |