"listening to music!"
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Contacting MHA_FAN211
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MHA_FAN211's Interests
General |
I love paints, coloring, drawing, going thrifting, going on walks, baking, collecting glass and going on bike rides. |
Music |
I listen to alot of music from Bruno Mars to Slipknot. I also listen to things like Billy Joel and Frank Sinarta. I also listen to things from The Strumbelles to Bo Burnham and Chris Stapleton. |
Movies |
I love things like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (LOTR), i also like things like The lost city of Atlantis but also things like The Cursed and other horror movies. |
Television |
I love the show My Little Pony (MLP), anime's and things like Pound Puppies and such. I know its pretty childish but i still love them. |
Books |
I dont read all to much but when i do i like reading thriller, scary and suspenseful books alongside with Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare. |
Heroes |
I love the Heroes like Superman, Wonder Women, Doctor Strange and Wanda Maximoff. |
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MHA_FAN211's Blurbs
About me:
Im a 15 year old Texan girl who loves collecting old glass bottles and animal bones. Other hobbies of mine are painting, drawing and going on bike rides. I also like to bake and sometimes read. I hate it when people chew to loud or ask for advice but never use it. Im a Abnevert and have kind of bad social anxiety. I have 2 indoor cats and i love them dearly. My favorite animals are cats and animals. My favorite colors are black, blood red and royal blue.

Who I'd like to meet:
Id love to make new friends and things of the such but im not looking for a date.
MHA_FAN211's Friend Space
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