
"wassup wassup wassup"
My names Bella and I'm 14. Born in good old USA 🦅🔥.
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About me:
Hi I'm Bella. I am 14 years old and my bday is july 14th. I rlly rlly RLLY love tokio hotel (Especially bill kaulitz 😍😍) so if u talk to me im prob somehow find a way to bring up bill my bae. My music taste changes a lot so like i coudnt even say what my fav song is. i remember like i went through an eminem and 90s hip hop phase and it ended up being my most top play artist on my spotify wrapped 😭😭 but rn im listening to some xxxtentacion and stuff kinda like that but i will forever love my baes tokio hotel. I might be a lil awkward at first bc i was homeschooled since like 3rd grade til now and im repeating the 8th grade in public school. I may or may not have cried knowing i wasnt going to hs 😭

Who I'd like to meet:
Anyone rlly js not pedos ^_^
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