
Alex_Fears's profile picture

20, Musician, Actor, Photographerr, Filmmaker,

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Mood: Vibing

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Alex_Fears's Interests


I'm massivley into movies, Tv Shows, Photography and Music!


My Favourite Bands Right Now: NewGrounds Death Rugby Paramore DOWNGIRL Hot Mulligan Amyl And The Sniffers Jane Remover


My Fav Movies Rn: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Baby Driver Alien Franchise Star Wars Lady Bird I Saw The TV Glow




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Alex_Fears's Blurbs

About me:

My Name Is Alex Fears And I'm A Musician From Sydney Australia, I make music about my life like the time i was attacked in a seven eleven by three raccoons disguised as an employee, and the time i was nearly involved in a blood sacrifice at a bunnings warehouse! (Layout By

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