
"Changing up my profile"
Fifthteen, United States,Biracial
Last active:
Mood: Focused
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Contacting ᛕ✩ꪗꪗ!
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ᛕ✩ꪗꪗ!'s Interests
General |
⟡POKÉMON!!! I do play Scarlet and Sword on Nintendo (Currently watching the movies) (If you have the Violet vrs. TRADE ME >:D) ⟡I listen to Music a lot...I'm one of those "yeah I listen to everything" AND I DO so any song recommendations IM OPEN TO LISTEN TO THEM! ⟡Music artist I mainly listen to are Mitski, Tyler the Creator, Sarah G, TV girl, Faye Webster, Radiohead, Skid Row, etc. ⟡I watch/read Anime/Mange tho I haven't been watching/reading here recently;/ ⟡I'm a gamer but not LIKE A GAMER GAMER... I just sit in my bed or outside playing whatever game is free and interesting...(I play Roblox, Nintendo games, and Genshin) ⟡IM NOTTTT one of those freaky controversial Genshin players I SWEAR I just play when I'm bored. |
Music |
Mitski, Tyler the Creator, The Smiths, Sarah G, TV girl, Faye Webster, Radiohead, Skid Row, Laufey, etc. |
Movies |
I've been getting into Scary Movies...I've been to scared to watch them in the past. |
Television |
Books |
Heroes |
ᛕ✩ꪗꪗ!'s Blurbs
About me:
I'm a pretty basic person Xp.. ⟡Fifteen!!(20+ I don't wanna socialize with) ⟡Female/ Str8 / She/Her/ My favorite colors are Yellow+Blue ⟡I'm pretty loose and calm but when I get excited I can get loud. ⟡I'm kinda clueless when it comes to heavy slang words so if I ask what it means SORRY (I've been living under a rock for some years..) ⟡If you want to talk about any of your interest IM ALL EARS I might not know to much but I'll listen. ⟡If I'm not active I'm at school or I forgot about this app OR I'm just busy ⟡I'm not so sociable at the beginning but when I get comfortable I'm a social butterfly. ⟡If you have any questions for me I'm comfortable with I'll answer (NORMAL/GENERAL questions) ⟡HERES my Discord: kayy_0tic I'm pretty active on there so if you wanna be friends hit up my line!
Who I'd like to meet:
Uhm...HONESTLY No one comes to mind rn
ᛕ✩ꪗꪗ!'s Friend Space
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