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Just call me Ron Swanson

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Andy's Interests


My wife 👰🏼‍♀️🌭🩵

Saints ⚜️

LSU #GeauxTigers

Boston Bruins 

Disc Golf

Being horrendously bad at ball golf 

Beach and boat bummin

Craft beer and all the calories it provides my pet dad bod 


Emo, punk, rock, metal, country, and whatever the Spotify DJ is serving up


If it’s horror, it’s got my name on it. #What’sYourFavoriteScaryMovie


Something something too many damn shows to name.


Gimme some Stephen King, Dean Koontz, or some other horror!


Ron Swanson, Ghostface, LeatherFace, Pennywise, Capt Spaulding, Bobby Hill, Art the Clown. Oh. My wife too, I guess.

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About me:

Mortui Vivos Docent Husband Dog and Cat Dad UWF and WCU Alumnus Beach Bum Craft Beer Brewer Car Enthusiast Disc Golfer #TeamDivergent

Who I'd like to meet:

Nick Offerman, because Ron Swanson is an American hero. 

Jared Keeso, so I can hit him with the “give yer balls a tug, fit fucker.” 

And Patrick Mahomes so I can throw him off a cliff. 

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