
emi's profile picture

"day drinking in the park"

anarchist at heart

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Mood: blah

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emi's Interests


i am interested in art in every form. paintings, music, love, vodka, cinema, poetry, camel blue 100s, literature, theatre, sex, protesting, all of this is art to me. madly in love with botticelli's venus.


okay, i'll give you a top five. just because i like you -. queen, my chemical romance, alice in chains, nirvana, bring me the horizon. oh, you want more? okay - okay. billie eilish, pierce the veil, deftones, paramore, fall out boy. jesus, still not enough? ethel cain, sleeping with sirens, nothing but thieves, oasis and yes, i'll admit it, i had a kanye west phase. i grew up with eminem and i hate the fucking beatles.


filmbro through and through. damien chazelle enjoyer - la la land, babylon. wong kar wai - fallen angels. fight club, ofc. old musicals starring pretty women - my fair lady, some like it hot. currently testing my humanity with the most disturbing movies iceberg. do not speak to me about scarface, i will eat you. not in a good way.


currently on my seventh bojack horseman rewatch. shameless. breaking bad. i am not okay with this. the simpsons will always be better than family guy.


anything by donna tartt (the goldfinch !!!!!), middlesex by jeffrey eugenides, no longer human by osamu dazai. poetry and carl gustav jung enjoyer. fuck schopenhauer.


freddie mercury !!! gerard way !!! leonardo da vinci !!! julius caesar !!!

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writing songs running from life

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drag queens and philosophers

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