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Mood: Erm... like shit
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XSamCRYclound's Interests
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Music |
Good days- SZA Liability- Loerde LET THE WORLD BURN- Chris Grey Broken- Lund Maniac- Conan Gray eyes don't lie- Isabel LaRosa New Rules- Benson Boone ``````` |
Movies |
Five nights at Freddy's |
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XSamCRYclound's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
When I am awake and wanna sleep, I would do anything to o and sleep. (view more)
I like this character that likes danger and it even has anger issues , he is my besty if he was real... I would love to have a sidekick really though (view more)
XSamCRYclound's Blurbs
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Who I'd like to meet:
Freddy Fazbear ;d
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