Tyrex dragon

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"Exploring. A new website I've never seen before! 😮😮😮"

i have 2 cats. Chedd & luna.

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Mood: Curious

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Tyrex dragon's Interests


skyrim, left 4 dead 1 & 2, omega mart, Halloween, bunnicula, werewolves, nature, fnaf, horror and creepy stuff, animals, ghost rider, the backrooms, dinosaurs, dragons, animatronics, editing, etc.


Listen to songs to listen to, a playlist by Tyrex dragon the #1 bonnie fan! on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/pfmtS


Ghost rider 💀🔥




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About me:

I learned about this website from someone on a app called the zoo by chewy. I'm taken so please no flirting with me. I have 2 cats & a dog, there names are chedd (a lightish orange 3yrs old male maincoon & shorthair mix), Luna (a black and white 1yrs old female American shorthair), and pepper (a grey 8 or 9 yrs old a poodle & shih tzu mix) Here's links to pictures of each of them if u wanna see them: Chedd: https://thezoobychewy.com/p/post/WN23QCmoWVHYMVgtg3YmC18ML Luna: https://thezoobychewy.com/p/post/8GnnnuALLLcExxxuN888hGlll Pepper: https://thezoobychewy.com/p/post/YJBDqHMyLeiLQNMiEKW5Hpxaw

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