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dion's Interests


Acting, drawing (working on a sketchbook rn which is fun :D), skateboarding even tho i dont rlly know any tricks yet lol, reading, and a bunch of other stuff that i cannot remember rn

i tend to paint my nails when i get bored despite my school not allowing it, i probably inhale too many chemical fumes in my daily life but oh well


uhh my music taste is very eclectic and i cannot really say i like any particular artists

i have the same music taste as my dad, in the sense that if someone were to steal my headphones and put them on, then it would sound like a 70s/80s greatest hits playlist
heres a list i guess
- i ADORE queen first of all
- abba
- david bowie
- wham!/george michael
- pet shop boys
- soft cell (yes i listen to more than just tainted love)
- madonna
- a-ha


ok im gonna just dump all the movies that i remotely like lmaoo
- dead poets society
- back to the future
- star wars (the og trilogy and the prequels since ive pretty much only watched them) and more that i will add at some point if im not too lazy
- itsv/atsv

im also gonna put the musicals i like in this bit bc im a theatre kid lol

- falsettos, the whole 'marvin trilogy' is deeply rooted in my soul
- book of mormon
- legally blonde
- little shop of horrors
- the rocky horror (picture) show


doing the same thing that i did in the 'movies' section lol, mainly shows that ive just watched

house md is my favourite rn
doctor who
i will fill in the rest of this section when im not actively falling asleep at the keyboard because i know for a fact ive watched more than those three shows


my taste in books is outdated by over a century
anyway here's some that i've recently read

- the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde
- dracula, bram stoker
- wuthering heights, emily brontë
- in the penal colony, franz kafka (more of a short story i think), i've also read metamorphosis
- a bunch of edgar allan poe works, i can't really remember which bc i got very invested in reading a collection of them on the bus
- war and peace, leo tolstoy (having to read that for english class lol. good book regardless)



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About me:


i have basically no idea what to write bc im very socially awkward even online lmao
but yeah i probably wont really post on here as i will most likely be doing schoolwork or consuming media
i literally didnt even touch this account after doing the bare minimum to sign up like a month ago
tbh idk why i made a profile i just wanted somewhere to post all my random stuff
i just remembered im meant to put an actual 'about me' in here somewhere so here

my name's dion
i am 14 years of age (wow)
i am male 👍
i was born and raised in the uk
i still live there btw that makes it sound like i live in another country lol

so yeah i think thats all honestly
i do not know if i come across as interesting and stuff
does anyone else find it really awkward to fill in a bio? idk i just find whatever i put sounds cringe
thats probably part of my social anxiety though

byee (not really though because theres like a million sections below this)

Who I'd like to meet:

humans, probably

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