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"Groovin "

nicknames crystal beth cus Beth rhymes with meth

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Mood: Grunge

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Beth's Interests


17 year old bassist who's life revolves around the 90s


- grunge ( mother love bone, pearl jam, Alice in chains, soundgarden,temple of the dog, smashing pumpkins,mudhoney and ALL the rest) - riot grrrl ( you name it I love it) - massive metalhead ( thrash,black,death,doom,sludge,you name it) - my whole life revolves around Alice in chains ngl


- Texas chainsaw massacre ( my comfort movie for some fucking reason) - the matrix - fight club -trainspotting


- idk man I don't really watch TV - mtv( sometimes if it's music) -southpark - bojack horseman - rick and Morty - rugrats



- Layne Staley * I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for him* - Andrew wood *fuckin genius* - Eddie vedder * gave me the strength to keep on livin* - Chris cornell * one of my biggest inspirations*

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Beth's Blurbs

About me:

Riot grrrl, bassist and mega music nerd Fat ass grunger

Who I'd like to meet:

Well if we're talking about people who are still alive: - Eddie vedder *he's Eddie fucking vedder so!?* - billy corgan * I really wanna tell him that he reminds me of the moon* - D'Arcy wretzky * she's one of the reasons I started playin bass* - jerry cantrell * dude kicks ass!*

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