0млеtка!! . ° [she/her] 🌪️⚡️

0млеtка!! . ° [she/her] 🌪...'s profile picture


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Mood: horny :p

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0млеtка!! . ° [she/her] 🌪️⚡️'s Interests


FANDOMS: Regretevator | Minecraft | Roblox | Gensin Impact | Whutherindg Waves | Brawl Stars | FNAF | Skullgirls | Yandere Simulator.  

 I love listening music, playing games ;p


Crystal Castles | Pastel Ghost | Mareux | Alex G | TV Girl | Pathetic | c418.


Lolita | Heartstopper | Tokyo revengers | Lilya Forever | Ghostbustes:Frozen Empire | Fight Club.


Nickelodeon: Henry Danger | The Fairly Oddparents | Sam and cat | The Thundermans | Game Shakers | Ninja Tartles.


Лето в пионерском галстуке | О чем молчит ласточка (не дочитано)


Charlie Spring | Gorou | Itto | Xiao | Chester | Buster.

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0млеtка!! . ° [she/her] 🌪️⚡️'s Blurbs

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