
Z0MB13D0Gzz's profile picture

"B3ing zilly!"

13-15, 3ngland, 0mnis3xual, Tranzman

Last active:

Mood: B0r3d

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Z0MB13D0Gzz's Interests



Lik3 all g3nr3s apart fr0m c0untry and k-p0p, at th3 m0m3nt I r3ally lik3 d3ath m3tal, br3akc0r3, hyp3rp0p, g0r3c0r3 and r0ck! (Like all genres apart from country and k-pop, at the moment I really like death metal, breakcore, hyperpop, Gorecore and rock!)


3rrrr I d0nt r3ally lik3 m0vies! (Errrr I don't really like movies!)


I r3ally lik3 d0ct0r wh0, t0rchw00d, dr3amsmp (if that c0unts) and m0r3 I can't r3m3mb3r right n0w- (I really like doctor who, Torchwood, dreamsmp (if that counts) and more I can't remember right now-)


P3rcy jacks0n. That's it. (Percy jackson. That's it.)


N0n3 r3ally. (None really)

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Z0MB13D0Gzz's Blurbs

About me:

I'm Milo/Vince/Tomz/Acid/Star/Abyss/Axe/Felix and I'm lik3 zup3r zilly! I'm 0mnis3xual, p0lyamar0us, G3nderfaun and I'm AFAB!xD I play r0bl0x, f0rtnit3, Min3craft and l0adz 0f 0th3r gam3z! I uze Mirr0r pr0n0unz! (Uze y0ur pr0n0unz 0n M3!) (I'm Milo/Vince/Tomz/acid/star/abyss/axe/Felix and I'm like super silly! I'm omnisexual, polyamorous, genderfaun and I'm AFAB!xD I play Roblox, fortnite, Minecraft and loads of other games! I use mirror pronouns! (Use your pronouns on me!))


Who I'd like to meet:

Hmm, pr0bably all my 0nlin3 fri3ndz! Az w3ll az t0mmyinnit, Slim3cicle, jam3z marri0tt, tubb0, dr3am, laur3nZsid3 and jack manif0ld! (Hmm, probably all my online friends! As well as tommyinnit, slimecicle, James Marriott, tubbo, dream, laurenZside and jack manifold!)

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