Frankie (TC Researcher!)

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Frankie (TC Researcher!)'s Interests


I like to listen to music I like to research True Crime and I like to watch the shows I like (Invader Zim, stranger things and shi like that) I also enjoy watching movies especially ones that cover the topics that I research about I like the movie Zero day but I do not support what Andre and Calvin did. I also like spending time with my partner are also enjoy eating and making food and drawing I like to draw a lot for some reason I also like doing my makeup and doing my hair and I also like going to stores and finding stuff that I like for example I like going to Hot Topic and finding band T-shirts I like I have I don't know how much t-shirts I have right now but I have like four My Chemical Romance shirts two Green Day shirts one Slipknot shirt and one pink Floyd shirt. (I will let you vent to me btw!! And if your thinking about going to a mental hospital I will tell you about my experience!)


I like a lot of music :))!!





uhh idk

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Frankie (TC Researcher!)'s Blurbs

About me:

Hello my name is Frankie I'm 13 years old I am transgender I'm Fem to masc I like to research about true crime is one of my favorite things and I do it for fun I'm not a part of a true crime Community (TCC) I do not condone any actions that have been done it is stupid I Do Not romanticize Over The Killers or the people who have committed the crime I will support anyone but I do not think it is right to like The Killers / the people who committed the crimes I research about True Crime on my free time and I would love to give information to anyone who needs it if they are unsure about a true crime subject and they want to know more about it they can just ask me if I don't already know it I will look it up for them and I will tell them about it I'm on Spacehey just have fun and to make friends but if anyone happens to need to know anything about your crime just tell me you can message me in IM you I can give you my Discord and you can text me there, after this I will make it more thoroughly about me and I will tell more about me but till then this is what you have for me thank you very much Gun }

Who I'd like to meet:

Calvin Robertson, Andre Keuck, Gee way, other ppl

Frankie (TC Researcher!)'s Friends Comments

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_3v1e_'s profile picture

thx 4 accepting. I also like true crime. more or less for the stories, not for the reaserch. I lik4 the super old one's.

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