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мне 14

играю в бандори, пг3д, геншин, роблокс, (в секай практически не захожу) 


wisp, TADZIO, scandal, pastel ghost, crystal castles, enhypen, a crowd of rebellion, peanut butters 


любимые фильмы-живучие цветы

любимые аниме-аот, формп голоса




книги не читаю, поэтому пишу про мангу которая понравилась-лето когда погас свет, спокоцной ночи пунпун, маленький гриб, пустоцвет, свинарник, облако


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volume's Blurbs

About me:

ничем особл не занимаюсьь, люблю слушать музыку,играть,читать, а кще в будущем хочу научиться шить и создавать одежду

поиграйте со мноц в роблокс🙏

Who I'd like to meet:

хочк найти человека с которым можно будет поговорить и обсудить вообще обо всеи, моэно начать с рандомных вопросов

volume's Friends Comments

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☆Evie☆'s profile picture

I love your profile!! Thank you for the add(≡^∇^≡)

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by volume; ; Report

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Note that h4 is omitted so the default "About Me" and "Who I'd like to meet" are not shown.

You can also remove this and paste it into the "Meet" section to keep things more organized and make them easier to edit!

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Simply copy the code and replace the text inside the div tags to whatever you'd like!

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.