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"I write books and poems, do photography, and knit."

I'm Adele, I'm 15, and I'm from Ukraine.

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Mood: Cheerful, friendly, sociable, and outgoing.

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Пиявка22's Interests


Hello! I'm Adele, although that's just my pseudonym. I'm 15 years old, born on January 2, 2009. My little corner is in the beautiful Dniprovskaya region of Ukraine, in a quiet rural town. I have a faithful friend and companion named Yasha, who is essentially my parrot Arkady. Although I'm not a huge anime fan, one work did capture my heart - "Hellsing". I'm especially drawn to the character of Alucard; his dark and mysterious essence mesmerizes me. My hobbies are very diverse, ranging from taking beautiful photographs to knitting, both with needles and crochet. Sometimes I find inspiration for creativity and write books or poems, which may someday see the light. My soul belongs to the hippie subculture, and in my dreams, there's a crazy but devoted yandere guy who will share with me a world of love and adventures.


In my heart, there's always a melody playing because I'm a true music lover. Music knows no bounds for me - I enjoy it in any genre, in any language. From Ukrainian songs to English, from Russian tunes to French musical masterpieces, each note brings me joy and inspiration. Even if I can't sing, my soul blossoms when I pick up the ukulele. Music is my breath, my inspiration, my life.


In the world of movies and TV shows, I feel like a fish in water, but there's something magical about horrors that draws me in, despite my being easily scared. I'm like a hedgehog, easily frightened, but it doesn't stop my curiosity. Sometimes my inner paranoid wakes up, making me peek around corners and check closed doors. However, nothing compares to my love for comedies and horrors. I also adore cartoons, even those intended for adult audiences, like "Family Guy" or "American Dad." Most often, I spend my time getting lost in YouTube or TikTok, diving into an endless stream of content.



I love immersing myself in the world of horror and fantasy between the pages of books. Although, honestly, I sometimes allow myself a little romance in books, but that's my little weakness, ha-ha! Actually, I just admire how wordsmiths skillfully create an atmosphere of fear and excitement. In my free time, I also write books, dreaming of the day when one of them will be published and make readers tremble with fear. But for now, I'll continue to enjoy the creepy and thrilling stories that make my heart beat faster.


In each of us, there live heroes who come alive in our fantasies and inspire us with their strength, character, and adventures. One such hero for me is Alucard from "Hellsing". His charm and magnetism make hearts skip a beat, and his endless struggle against darkness is a cause for eternal admiration. But equally impressive are Victoria and Integra by his side. They embody strength and grace, two incredible women who have taken on the burden of fighting for light in a world shrouded in darkness. And how wonderful it is to create our own heroes! I pour my soul into each of them, whether it's a fan character from "Hellsing," "JoJo," or other worlds. In "JoJo," characters like Jean Pierre Polnareff, Iggy, and of course, the irresistible Joseph Joestar caught my attention. Although I don't play games (except Don't Starve Together), I watch playthroughs and immerse myself in a world where my favorite characters embark on new adventures. And novels about yandere characters have become true masterpieces for me, where heroes like Peter, John Doe, Jacob, and of course, the butcher Tate Frost, reveal their complex and captivating essence. And how can I forget about the Mandala Catalog, where I discovered Archangel Gabriel - a majestic being, full of wisdom and power. In each of them, I find inspiration, wisdom, and courage that help me seek my path in this world.

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Пиявка22's Blurbs

About me:

Я в восторге от возможности познакомиться с вами здесь, в этом замечательном приложении. Я искренне верю, что встречи с новыми людьми – это прекрасная возможность обогатить свою жизнь новыми впечатлениями, и, конечно же, дружба – это одно из самых ценных сокровищ, которые мы можем обрести.

Я готова поделиться своими радостями и печалями, выслушать ваши истории и поддержать вас в любой ситуации. Ведь взаимная поддержка и понимание – это то, что делает наши отношения по-настоящему особенными.

Я искренне увлечена общением и всегда готова к интересным беседам и дискуссиям. Если у вас есть что-то, о чем вы хотели бы поговорить или поделиться, я всегда рада присоединиться к обсуждению. Кроме того, я с нетерпением жду возможности делиться своими мыслями и впечатлениями в постах, но, к сожалению, пока не знаю, как это сделать. Если кто-то может мне помочь разобраться, я буду очень благодарна!

Who I'd like to meet:

I want a yandere stalker boy for myself...

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