Just Harry

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"Truth Seeking 30 year old"

wanna meet ri for too long

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Mood: killing Time

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Just Harry's Interests


Seeking Truth.


Rihanna/ The Distillers/ Alice Glass/ Billie Eilish / kimya dawson/ lacey sturm , flyleaf


J.K. Rowling Movies


Adult Cartoons, Spongebob, anime


Pon and Zi, manga



Just Harry's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

no more smeagol (view more)

Some of heavens presents (view more)

Heavens gay pride (view more)

moms sides and dads sides and extractions (view more)

The Heavens (view more)

Just Harry's Blurbs

About me:

im nice, easy to get along with, i am gender fluid, pansexual but not looking cause im in love with rihanna the singer based on sleep dreams by the thousands even before i heard of her as a celeb, but if its true id call myself very lucky shes the hottest person ive seen and it wouldn't be heaven without her by my side lol cause i believe everyone's one and only should be their hottest pick if its heaven but whatever to psychiatry that seems like a work in progress Scientology religion that can sadly put some down than up but whatever (im still a fan of carl jung, ie the individuation process = real baptism aka higher self alignment) im a truth seeker i hate lies and ugly personality traits= bad morals instead of good im very in the strait and narrow like job from the bible ive felt that way before but for a good reason that made heaven so gifted as it is now (though yet to see it in person just heard plenty google book of acts from the bible how to hear god (though im aware some lie), i believe in gods and a secret heaven society like guardian angels disguised as muggles on earth lol its also a test to see whos trust worthy enough to get invited in heaven and their magic school etc but dont ask me wink telepathy with spirit guides / heaven fam/ soul groups just saying be nice

"He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:2-5

Who I'd like to meet:

Robyn Rihanna Fenty/My Gaara Baby ri as gaara ri as gaara

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