
Tr0pic4lLem0nSh0rk's profile picture

"Be4tin' hum4ns!"

Im fr0m L4minax L4bator¡es!!

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Mood: H4ppy!

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Be4ting hum4ns is my th!ng!


P0p, i th!nk? W3 d0nt g3t t0 l!st3n t0 much mus!c, Th3y r4irly l3t j4ms (J4mm3r) pl4y !n p3ace wh3n th3y let h!m pl4y. 3ven !f th3 l4bs n0t c0mpl3tely !n th3ir c0ntr0l th3y st!ll d!ct4te th!ngs. 4lth0ugh Fl4m!ng k4iju t3lls m3 th4t dur!ng P0 h3 he4rs th3 m0st b3aut!ful mus!c.


Hmmm w3 d0nt h4ve 4ny way 0f w4tch!ng m0v!se w!th0ut a L4m!n4x 3mpl0yee's sup3rv!son, !t's s0 w3 d0nt g3t 4ny id3as, 4lth0ugh w3 d1d g3t t0 w4tch H0wl's M0v!ng C4stle, i th!nk it w4s f0r a 3xper!m3nt, but !dk,


I g0t nuth!n'!


I re4lly l!ked th3 d!cti0n4ry wh3n th3y l3t m3 re4d !t, but t0 b3 f4ir th4ts th3 0NLY bo0k !'ve 3ver re4d s0 !dk.


W!sp 4nd Fl4m!ng k4iju, th3re !s s0me0n3 els3 but... !ts m0re of a pr3senc3 th3n a 4ctu4l p3rs0n... m4yb3 my y0ung3r s!st3r sees m3 as h3r h3r0… th4t w0uld b3 s0 co0l!!

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About me:

Bestiary Entry Large shark Gootraxians with a unique double pair of eyes, Lemon Shorks appear to be the result of a lemon combining with a regular Shork. These Gootraxians can be aggressive and highly protective of others of their kind. They tend to form groups with others as well, and appear to be most active in low light, as their two highly developed pairs of eyes enable them to see clearly during these conditions. Their bodies contain a chemical not too dissimilar to lemon juice, and getting it in your eyes may leave you blinded and in a fair amount of pain. Do not feed lemon slices to the Shorks. RP ACCOUNT If im talking as myself (the creator) i wont use typing quirks and will say so.

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