Guro (^_−)−☆

"Just living "
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Mood: Bored..
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Guro (^_−)−☆'s Interests
General |
I like.. Lost media, Harajuku fashion, menhera chan, Cult party kei fashion, sweet Lolita fashion, Yoshitomo Nara, florecita dreams videos (Specially cállate el ocico and recuerdos maternales) and fanimes -Kins: ame chan, Sayaka miki, yomi, Cassie (From skins), marley rose, yuri otani, Miyuki zone, hikki san and i legitimately identify with Jonny greenwood and Thom. - Social media: cheese.hambaga__47469 on discord.-Games that I like: Moon (Visual novel), chokkoto vampire, Shizuki 1996, muv luv, saya no uta, TOTONO (You and me and her) and touhou project I LOVE OS-TANS |
Music |
-Radiohead -Aphex twin -Panchiko -Bjork -Venetian snares -Jonny greenwood -lalleshwari Dj technorch Knifehandchop Dj Sharpnel |
Movies |
-Hana & Alice -The machine girl -Paprika -Perfect blue -Suicide club |
Television |
-Azumangadaioh - Paradise kiss - Utena revolutionary girl - Sugar sugar rune - Lilpri - Akiba chan -Shugo Chara -Gojinko monogatari -K-on! -Lucky star -Serial experiments lain (Sel) - Strawberry marshmallow - elemental godness (I only see it for the art naif) -Precure saga (Heartcatch Precure) -PASWG -Welcome to the N.H.K |
Books |
Heroes |
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Guro (^_−)−☆'s Blurbs
About me:
(I wanted to put worrywort in the background but there wasn't any, and I'm too embarrassed to ask for it..)
Age: 14 Years
Birthday: 10/11/09
TW: Ed (eating disorder)
(I can speak English and Spanish, but mostly you will see me speaking English)
I had to create this account because I lost another one I had
Who I'd like to meet:
Guro (^_−)−☆'s Friend Space
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