xXFrongles_the ClownXx

xXFrongles_the ClownXx's profile picture

"playing animal crossing!!"

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Mood: chill :D

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xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Interests


- obtaining knowledge 

 - sorting 

- the ocean 

- the deep ocean 

- watching horror works 

- creating & consuming art 


- aesthetics 

 - the magnus archives 

- people watching 

- watching documentaries (especially ones related to the ocean) 

- rotting in bed 

- working out 

- playing video games


- Rob Zombie 

- Lemon Demon 

- They Might Be Giants 

- Ayesha Erotica 

- Will Wood 

- Tally Hall 

- That Handsome Devil 

- My Chemical Romance 

- Car seat Headrest 

 - Oingo Boingo 

- System of a Down


- Re-Animator (1985 horror film) 

- Bride of Re-Animator (1990 horror film)



- The metamorphosis (Franz Kafka) 

- The Glass Castle (Jeannette Walls)


xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Links

xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

y'all I think i'm being ghosted :,((((((((( (view more)

Electric Dreams!!!! (view more)

mind vomit (view more)

mind vomit (view more)


xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Blurbs

About me:


autistic & ADHD

animal & insect lover 


cat kittycat
blank Black Flaming converse fan

Who I'd like to meet:

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xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Friend Space

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xXFrongles_the ClownXx's Friends Comments

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doormatt's profile picture


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Vamp's profile picture

Thanks for the add! I LOVE your profile theme ^u^

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