am i a robot?

"In (robot) love"
Robot 🤖
Last active:
Mood: Lovely (?)
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am i a robot?'s Interests
General |
Videogames, music and life (but sometimes I wish I wasn't). What else? The books (digital because they can be expensive), roblox (it's free and I can't afford to buy $60 games each) and... otras cosas. |
Music |
Sepulcro bohemio 😻😻😻 |
Movies |
LaLaLand (I would like to be Sebastian, although I already am) |
Television |
Sherlock (some might say I'm as insufferable as him) |
Books |
El loco / The crazy man -Gibran K. |
Heroes |
There are no heroes, just normal people who had the courage to do what they had to do. (I love OnePunchMan 😻) |
am i a robot?'s Blurbs
About me:
student (tambien hablo espanol, pero me hago el gringo pq aqui hay muchos de otros paises) I like to play video games, but there is never enough time. (And neither money) Te amo ^_^ Mx
Who I'd like to meet:
All people have an internal universe to explore, very few have the guts to leave their world and travel to the unknown. There is no courage without fear. Would you let me in?
am i a robot?'s Friend Space
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