
CinnamonGhostCrunch's profile picture

"worried about the future"

19, american, airhead

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Mood: content

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CinnamonGhostCrunch's Interests


Sonic The Hedgehog, Nintendo, FNAF, Cave Story, Arcadekitten, Art, Scott The Woz, Gmod, Undertale, Splatoon


Nightcore, Rap, Rock, sometimes Pop it kinda depends.





CinnamonGhostCrunch's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Ubisoft sucks ass (view more)

Ubisoft sucks ass (view more)

CinnamonGhostCrunch's Blurbs

About me:

Hiya! I'm CinnamonGhostCrunch and I wanted to experience the times of myspace and late 2000's internet. I was born in 05 and by the time I was able to understand the fact I exist, companies started to shift towards minimalism and just not being interesting in general. Despite growing up in the 2010's most digital media we had was over a decade behind. Some of these things include: VHS, Playstation 2, SNES, Windows XP, etc and that helped fuel my interest in old media from the 2000's. I'm glad sites like these exist to this day even if they are niche as hell because they allow me to just sort of experience what it was like being on the internet during this time.

Who I'd like to meet:

Mostly people with the same interests as me

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