
Hazza's profile picture

"Talking or gaming"

14 and a pretty cool guy

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Mood: Happy mostly

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Hazza's Interests


Video games and then video games. I also play video games but that's not that important. I also like talking to people. Well it depends on who but most the time I don't mind who it is.


I listen to a total of 15 songs or maybe less I'm not sure. I don't have a specific genre but it's mainly like video game music and then idk other things


I think my favorite would be uhhhhh horror movies. But I also don't really watch movies so I can't give a specific answer again.


Anything that was on cartoon Network so like: adventure time, regular show, amazing world of gumball, Steven Universe which might not have been on cartoon Network so whoops.


I do NOT read. I find it quite boring. I need pictures in my book in order to read it.


spiderman is my favourite įµ•Ģˆ

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Hazza's Blurbs

About me:

I'm kind and somewhat funny I would say. I'm also a bisexual if that matters. .logo { content: url(https://project-files.picsart.com/project_files/5f285291-2231-48c0-b1c0-36b6601d7198.png?type=webp&to=min&r=242.4000096321106); } nav .links li.active a { font-weight: 100; } .online { content: url(https://dl.glitter-graphics.com/pub/3097/3097857hc2nx3vwum.gif); } .general-about .profile-pic img { padding: 4.3px; } .profile .blurbs .heading, .profile .friends .heading { background: linear-gradient(360deg, #bbe5ff, #af94ff); color: #8245c4; border: 2px #d5d9ff solid; border-bottom: none; } nav .top { border-top-right-radius: 15px; border-top-left-radius: 15px; background-image: url(https://project-files.picsart.com/project_files/e618b1c6-7c18-4aa1-9972-b4ae461bb205.png?type=webp&to=min&r=242.4000096321106); background-size: 203px; align-items: center; } nav .links { background: linear-gradient(180deg, #7164fbe6, #e4b6f9) } nav .links a { text-shadow: 0 0 7px #5909c3; } nav .links a:hover { color: #7108e1; text-shadow: none; } body { background-image: url(https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/fs/7a9dc188654445.5ddd060f6aed5.jpg); 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Who I'd like to meet:

If we're talkin who I'd like to meet irl then I'd have to say my buddies liv and jay.

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