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"Secure. Contain. Protect."
Mount Síøa, Nálægt, Iceland
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Site-61's Interests
General |
[ACCESS DENIED] — and this is where I start talking! Site-61 is/was a Roleplaying Series started from the ROBLOX Game of the same name! While the canon for this Askblog began in June 2018, the series didn't really begin until around November 2021, and even then, it took until May 2022 for the series to even be CONSIDERED an actual roleplaying series with a set canon, lore, etc. As a reminder, this is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE that USES characters of The SCP Wiki. I'll post a blog listing EVERY OC in Site-61, as I do NOT claim ownership over EVERY member of Site-61 Cast. Additionally, posts signed from a different Site may indicate I'm working on a list for that Site. ^^ For more information, check the other boxes! |
Music |
[ACCESS DENIED] — Trigger Warnings: Site-61 covers topics related to grief, depression, sü!c!b4l tendencies, trauma (including domestic, s3xü4l and physical), and a general gloom that'll fuck you over if you're mentally unstable. Please heed the trigger warnings at the title of a post! For more information, check the other boxes! |
Movies |
[ACCESS DENIED] — This box explains each and every character listed within it! Co-Director Benjamin Oliver Walker: Physically a twink. 5'10", too. Anyways, twink aside, brown fluffy hair, forest green eyes, all atop a fair-skinned, glasses-wearing man in a white-button up, white slacks, black formals, fitted with a bag full of goodies (in the sense children would squeal at the contents), and a red tie creates the same man (Wise)Bright decided to wed. To be fair, he is orderly, composed, and actually compassionate, if fatherly, thus leading to a cautious approach to life. Anyways, pansexuality and autism to the win! Associate Director Dr. Jack (Wise) Bright: Oh good god why. Besides having red eyes, Bright's completely dependent on his vessel. The issue? Walker puts it, he's an idiot. A lovable idiot sure, but an idiot nonetheless. Sure, he has his moments of manipulation and intelligence to outwit others, but half of the time he's doing the most batshit-out-of-left-field activity that nobody should've ever done. Jessica Parish: Formally, Ms. Parish, Site Head of Ethics Committee! That means she gets onto people.. a LOT. Specifically Bright, Kondraki, Clef and Iceberg, all of whom she has a clear distaste for. Besides that, she's frequently mistaken for a bimbo due to the blonde hair, violet eyes, and fair skin combined with pink-colored makeup and accessories. She's used this to her advantage before and frequently uses it to get others to drop their guard around her so she can see what they're really like when they're not speaking to her. For more information, check the other boxes! |
Television |
[ACCESS DENIED] - This box explains each and every relationship within it! Walker and (Wise)Bright: Ah, yes. "The Immortals", neither will die, so why not wed? The best analogy of the two is Yin and Yang. While Walker fills in for the role of a wife— orderly, submissive and pleading— Bright uh... well... he's.. kind of.. a... husband? I mean, he definitely dominates in this relationship but.. he's more chaos and whiny than actually focused on the fact he even is married. Either way, they have their moments! When Bright needs to cry into someone because holy shit he often does, Walker's waiting with open arms! ...and in the same day, Bright will convince Walker to cause an SCP-963-J (Yes, we have to lock Bright and Walker in a Room because of how they act. No, it isn't preferable. Sincerely, Jessica Parish, Site-61’s Head of Ethics Committee) formation. The status of their relationship is controversial, to say the least, but Walker and Bright seem happy together, so I'd say they're fine. For more information, check the other boxes! |
Books |
[ACCESS DENIED] — The following box will someday contain a link to a Google Doc of every SCP at Site-61! This will branch out into ~1040 pages of articles, not including tales. For more information, check the other boxes! |
Heroes |
[ACCESS DENIED] — This box gives a general idea of a map of Site-61. The following is every area of Site-61, and where they lead to. Each sector listed follows a mutual relationship in which a person can access both areas unless otherwise stated. This section is currently unfinished. Please wait until the list is complete. :) Sectors are listed below: Heavy Containment Zone: HCZA - HCZB (elevator), HCZC, LCZA, LCZB, LCZF, LEZ, AZ HCZB - LCZB (elevator) HCZC - HCZD HCZD - HCZE, HCZF, HCZG HCZE - HCZF, HCZG HCZF - HCZG, HCZH HCZG - HCZH HCZH - HCZI HCZI - HCZK, HCZJ, HCZL HCZJ - HCZM HCZK - HCZL, HCZL HCZL - HCZM, HCZN HCZM - HCZN, HCZR, HCZO, HCZT HCZN - HCZO, HCZP HCZO - HCZP HCZP - HCZQ HCZQ - HCZR, HCZS HCZR - HCZT, HCZS HCZS - None HCZT - HCZU HCZU - [ACCESS DENIED] HCZV - [ACCESS DENIED] HCZW - [ACCESS DENIED] HCZX - [ACCESS DENIED] HCZY - [ACCESS DENIED] HCZZ - [ACCESS DENIED] Light Containment Zone: LCZA - LCZB, LCZC, LCZF LCZB - None LCZC - LCZD, LCZG LCZD - LCZE LCZE - LCZH LCZF - None LCZG - LCZI LCZH - LCZJ, LCZK LCZI - LCZK LCZJ - LCZM LCZK - LCZL, LCZM LCZL - LCZN LCZM - LCZN, LCZO LCZN - LCZO, LCZP LCZO - LCZP LCZP - LCZQ LCZQ - LCZR, LCZS LCZR - LCZT, LCZU LCZS - LCZV, LCZU LCZT - LCZW, LCZU LCZU - LCZV, LCZW LCZV - [ACCESS DENIED] LCZW - [ACCESS DENIED] LCZX - [ACCESS DENIED] LCZY - [ACCESS DENIED] LCZZ - [ACCESS DENIED] Entry Zone: LEZ - HCZA, Cafeteria, Gate B, Personal Offices, The Gardens, Restrooms, Hallways, Class-D Cells, UEZ (Elevator) UEZ - Standardized Testing Units, Specialized Containment Units, Mountainous Containment Units Armory Zone: AZ - HCZA and of course, rooms! [SCP____-J got to me. Sorry, check back later. :(] For more information, check the other boxes! |
Site-61's Links
Site-61's Blurbs
About me:
Located within the brutal mountains of Iceland, Site-61 situates itself as one of the most isolated, top-security sites owned by The SCP Foundation. An eternal winter encompasses the area, alongside the mountains being a weeks-long hike to and from the peak. ————————————————————— [This account is reserved for an SCP Ask Blog!! :D If you're visiting, I probably commented as one of the characters from Site-61, hence the signatures and quotes! Okay, bye!! ^^] [THIS ACCOUNT IS OWNED BY: TheWiseGuest FOR THE PURPOSE OF: Serving as an in-character askblog, an extension of a Tumblr Ask Blog (@ask-site-61) and Wikidot Wiki.]
Who I'd like to meet:
"Oooh! That depends on who's on the account! I really have no clue why we can't just all have our own account, but I guess it's fair enough: We gotta keep things secret! ^^" -Co-Director Benjamin O. Walker ————————————————————— [Obviously other fans of SCP!! General horror fans are fine though, as for a boundary, I'd have to set it to 13 - 17 y/os, I don't feel too comfortable with adults, but I'm not gonna immediately block anyone. :)]
Site-61's Friend Space
[view all]Site-61 has 1 friend.
Site-61's Friends Comments
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