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"Sobreviviendo "


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Mood: Feliz

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BTS, Dpr Ian, Jeff Satur, XY,       K-pop, The Rose, Nflying, Day6, Xdinary Heroes...


Muy beautiful man, better days, la sociedad de la nieve, yo soy Simón, rojo blanco y sangre azul y given.


K-dramas, J-dramas, C-dramas y Thai-dramas.

Obsesionada con kinnporsche, mo dao Zu Shi, Zoro y Venom.


La biblioteca de la medianoche, almendra, la torre, un diente de león, rojo blanco y sangre azul, ¡Chao clóset!, una perfecta confusión, Joy, given, banana fish, rompiendo mi monotonía.


Mi familia, BTS y Violeta.

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Cangrejo 's Blurbs

About me:

Me gusta el K-pop, ver series sobretodo románticas y el hombre que más amo en el mundo se llama Namjoon.

Who I'd like to meet:

Me gustaría conocer a Namjoon, a todos los biti, Jeff Satur, Ian, Park Yuri, y a todos mis amores platónicos asiáticos. Últimamente obsesionada con Enzo.

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Cangrejo 's Friends Comments

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Violeta's profile picture

¡Que lindo perfil!
Nunca faltan los Bitis y junjun.
Ly ☆♡︎

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This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.