Tricky Nikki

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Tricky Nikki's Interests


Psychology, paganism, magick.


Oh boy. Almost anything under the classic rock umbrella, with some punk rock and ‘90s folk rock and pop thrown in for good measure. My current favorites include Led Zeppelin, Queen, David Bowie, the Beatles (of course), and Jethro Tull.


Trainspotting, T2, The Greatest Showman, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill Volumes I and II, Blade Runner, the OG Star Wars trilogy, the OG Mulan.


Tiny Chef, the Netflix Witcher (though at this point it’s more of a “love-to-hate” deal), South Park, Bojack Horseman, seasons 1-6 of Game of Thrones.


Les Miserables, The Princess Bride, The Handmaid’s Tale, various occult/witchy books.


This sounds cheesy, but most of my heroes are people I know in real life, who I don’t want to go into much detail on for privacy reasons. But let’s just say I’m fortunate enough to have some older friends and family members who have shown me that if they can get by in this world, I can too.

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Tricky Nikki's Blurbs

About me:

Salaried professional by day (seriously, I have no clue how I got this far), irredeemable goofball by night. AudHD. Former libertarian, now an Enlightened Centrist™️. Irish-Germanic pagan. Music freak. Psych student and mental health volunteer. Officially no longer a 20-something, so I now have no excuses for my weirdness.

Who I'd like to meet:

People who share my interests, or even just people who want to chat.

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