
Emma_Gloss's profile picture

"posttraumatic stress"

a 15 year old mama's boy please bother flirting with me baby

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Mood: Tired

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Emma_Gloss's Interests


Art student/not gay I practice yoga, I like to feel flexible I don't know whether to study graphic design or theater Satanist(?


the band Ghost Arctic monkeys The neighbor Hozier Lady Gaga Lana del Rey


Studio Ghibli: Ponyo the vagabond's castle when marnie was there my neighbor totoro Gigi delivers to your home The Return of Mr. Cat Horror (psychological, slasher, etc.): Halloween The Conjuring Friday the 13th The Ring Silent Hill and more (I can't remember and I'm so lazy to think) Musicals: Hamilton Wicked The journey to the cyclone Six


Magaly TV la firme (LOL) South park Gravity fall My little pony


A little of everything Favorite: "The Duke"


Not hero, yes ANTIHERO Deadpool

Emma_Gloss's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Chamba (view more)

Chupala!!!! (view more)

Emma_Gloss's Blurbs

About me:

If you want to talk just do it, I'm really bored and lonely, so it wouldn't hurt me to socialize. My profile has nothing to do with my personality xd, warning efecto:

Who I'd like to meet:

I don't even know who I want to meet

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