
NICK0000000's profile picture


-1,83, colombia bga 16 virgo 12/09/2008

Last active:

Mood: need Friends, text me

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NICK0000000's Interests




Oblivion might trash

Kali uchis



Ryo fukui

mi playlist ✩


500 days with summer, 10 things i hate about You, the shape of water, i like movies kids


Bluey, teen Titans, Haikyuu, all Disney movie 2000, and all cartoons


leo de vez en cuando, fiel hater de gabriel garcia marquez. Me gusta junji ito, denme uno de sus mangas.


Me every day

Luna gil

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NICK0000000's Blurbs

About me:

Sometimes I draw, I don't have a defined style, I just make sketches and sometimes outline them or make them digital. Even though it might not seem like it, I like going to the gym. I try to dress well, but I'm not sure if I succeed. I like random and cringe things because I think they're original. I put effort into making this page lol.

Who I'd like to meet:


q x


do u like kittens?

AKFJAK yes, why?

never text me again


NICK0000000's Friends Comments

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