"arreglando mi blogsito "
soy Anny
Last active:
Mood: Contenta pero cansada y nerviosa
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Contacting ILY.NANY
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ILY.NANY's Interests
General |
leer, oir musica, actividades de adrenalina, caminar |
Music |
Movies |
de acción, romance, suspenso |
Television |
los simssons, southpark, My little pony, y seguramente muchas otras que no se me vienen a la cabeza en estos momentos. |
Books |
romance y fantasia |
Heroes |
que se supone que deba poner? Aquaman? |
ILY.NANY's Links
ILY.NANY's Blurbs
About me:
HI! i speak spanish and english so if you want to talk with me... DO IT!! No me gusta el café, me gustan los hobbys extremos, amo aprender idiomas y paso la mayor parte de mi timepo en internet.
Who I'd like to meet:
me gustaria conocer a personas agradables con las que se pueda entablar una conversación interesante y que tengamos algunos gustos en común.
ILY.NANY's Friend Space
[view all]ILY.NANY has 4 friends.
ILY.NANY's Friends Comments
Displaying 1 of 1 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Pina colada XD |
Amo lo rosa de tu perfil ️ |
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This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.
This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.