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"browsing the web"

Lvl. 13 Chilean

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Mood: boredd

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watss's Interests


Well, to begin with, my name is Maite, I am 13 years old and I have 1 brotherr, I like to spendd the day reading or playinggg, and sometimess watching videos on YouTube, I really love sleepinggg although sometimes I don't sleep very earlyyy, I love sportss like swimming or taekwondoo, although the truth is I would like to continue experimentingg, I love hanging out with my friends and if you becomee my friend too, I usually have a boringg day and sometimes I can go days without answeringg, but it is only for one reason, I AM BOREDDD, For me it is very easy to get boredd to the point of doing things that are out of the ordinary in my daily life, such as, for example, moving all the thingss in my room as I like, I don't usually have demands on that other than my grades, I'm good studentt and I usually rank among the first 3 places in my classss, my favorite subject is mathematicss and I hate, I hate language, especially understanding poemssssss!! Well, that would be something brief about me, talk to meeeee


I love musiccc, I think it's wonderful how it varies in tastes and typeee, well, for me it's wonderful, the truth is I listen to almost, almost everythinggggg, except the urban music of my country, I don't listen to that honestlyyy, it's not to my liking .. Although I usually listen to my favorite genreee, metal, in general, I don't even know the type of DNA of the bands or singersss, I just like to listen to it, and so far I know that most of it is metal, such as; Spliknot, Kittie, Pantera, Rammstein, System of a down, Rob Zombie, Limp Bizkit, Megadeth, Metallica, Korn and much more, My Playlist is on Spotify and it is only oneeeee, where most of my tastes are, here is the linkkkkkk!!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6kkqSsjJkJxl97cJ1Wkg75?si=gg-rVG0oTWWKkLAAxc2N_Q&pi=u-Y7YGzCvUQ--r


Also like in musicccc, I usually watch everything, or rather, what my family puts on TV, although obviously I have my favorite moviessss, of course, of which they are comedies, dramas and I don't know what elseeeee!!! I am not usually so fanatical to know each genre of my tasteee, I only generalize, LOL, well, they are theirsss (It should be noted that I do not know their namesss in English, I do not speak English, I use a translatorrrr); They are like children 2 and 1, Saw, small but dangerous, a wife of lies, the green snake and 2012, Those could be said to be my favorites, I clarify that the truth is I don't know their namesss in English, I only translateeee their names from Latin Americannn Spanish to English, and there are clearly more of themmm, but I don't even know their namessss, LOL


Well, now one of the things I like to do the most, which is definitely reading, well, I usually read action and fighting manhwas, like questim, lookism, manager kim, solo leveling, study group, and among others, they are mostly from PTJ , although I also read books by Stephen Hawking, although I only have a few, and also, of course, I have fanf novels that are my greatest treasure, also that I went to see the movie and I loved it, and well that would be the majority, between more kucha basically the more I like it LOL



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About me:

Hiiii, nice to meet youu, my name is Maite and I'm 13 years old, I'm a fan of readingg as well as video gamess, I'm from Chile and I love, I love catssss, my favorite character is definitely Mi-Meau from Adventure Time, honestly It's very cutee, I exercise often, I like to talk and socialize, I have different types of humor and I usually get along with people, please add me and let's talkk!

Who I'd like to meet:

Well, the truth is, I would like to meet someone who has my interestsss, someone who, please, has several topics of conversationnn to talk about and without getting boredd, I would like to find that person and be their friendddd, the truth is I'm on vacation and It's usually very boringgg, but something to entertain myself with wouldn't hurt me at all, LOL

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