
chuli's profile picture

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chuli's Interests


ago tkd 

me gusta mucho el niu metal 

amo tocar la guitarra

soy fan de twd 


escucho todo tipo de musica en especial kittie y the smiths


las pelis q me gustan son 

count on me

interrupted adolescence



un show mas 

hora de abenturas 

mas alla del jardín 


me gusta la saga de Harry Potter

el libro de it 


creo q spiderman 

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chuli's Blurbs

About me:

<!-- (c) Layout created by CherryCosmos  ( -->

<style>* {cursor: url(, auto !important;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Pink Bow Tie"><img src="" alt="Pink Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;"/></a>



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/*Blocks default contact Icons*/

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/*Custom contact Gifs*/

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p {

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F1b5da");} 0px 1px 2px 2px inset;}

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/*these are your various headers, I have used yellow to show you which text is affected by this code. Feel free to change them to what you prefer. If you want individual headers to be different colors then you have to write each one in a separate piece of code.*/

h3 , h4, h5, .url-info b {

    color: #F1b5da       ;  


/*This is the color of the links on your page. I have set them to green so you can see what they are. Feel free to change them to your preferred color*/

a {

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/* color of the normal text on your page. I have set this to purple so that you know which text is affected. Feel free to change it to what you prefer*/

p, h2 {

     color: #F1b5da       ;


/* color of friend's names in the comments, number of friends and your name. This I set to orange */ 

h1, .count, .friends a p {

     color: #F1b5da       ;




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text-shadow: none; }

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text-align: center; } icon {

content: url(; }

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text-align: center;

background-color: #ffe6ee; }

div.friends {

margin-bottom: 15px; }


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border: 1px solid pink;

margin-bottom: 2px; }


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text-align: center;

text-decoration: 1px underline;

text-transform: lowercase; }

.blurbs p{

text-align: center; }


color: grey; }


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--even-lighter-orange: #ffe6ee; }



height: 10px;

width: 15px; }


background: #fff; }



background: #ffe6ee;

border: 1px solid grey; }


background: #Ffd7f9; } .profile .contact, .profile .table-section, .profile .url-info {

  border: 1px solid #ffc8d2;

}.profile .blurbs .heading, .profile .friends .heading {

  background-color: #ffe6ee;

  color: #Ffffff;

/* color/style of borders around tables on the left */

.profile .contact, .profile .table-section, .profile .url-info {

  border: 1px solid #ffe6ee;


  color: #ffe6ee



.general-about img {-webkit-mask-image: url(;-webkit-mask-size: 100%;-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;-webkit-mask-position: center;}



.profile .friends .person img:not(.icon) { -webkit-mask-image: url(;-webkit-mask-size: 100%;-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;-webkit-mask-position: center;}

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        .general-about .profile-pic .pfp-fallback {

            border: 6px solid #ffe6ee;



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chuli has 1 friend.

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