
"say hi please "
Washington, America
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About me:
I'm Chris and I am on the internet to make friends cuz I don't have much irl
If you say hi I would be very happy and thank you.
I use tone indicaters (/j, /srs, etc.)
I do type a lot but I type really slowly so if I comment on one of your bulletins you might get bored because I will write an entire novel.
INTJ personality type
I am a feminist and I support women because they are very cool and everyone deserves to be equal.
Friendly to all cultures and religions. I like to learn about different types of things people believe in and think and to see things from other's perspective.
You can talk to me about that type of stuff and other stuff. I like talking.

Who I'd like to meet:
I'd love to be friends with anyone and I'd love to share my interest in music with people and or just do silly stuff.
I can talk about anything I'm really okay with anything.
I don't really know how to start conversations so I might be awkward
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