Hardy Ramsey

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Mood: I'm confused with SpaceHey...

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Hardy Ramsey's Interests



5My band ranking🎧 Britney Spears👑 Ayesha erotic💋 Evanescence🔥 t.A.T.u🖤 Kesha 💄



13 Going On 30


10 things I hate about you 



The woman in me💥


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About me:

fight bad guys🌺

Who I'd like to meet:

Cool person listens to music loves fashion Emo boy..🤙🏻💋

Hardy Ramsey's Friends Comments

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Perty The Virtual Musician

Perty The Virtual Musicia...'s profile picture

💖 ✨

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Club72's profile picture

TYVM FOR ACCEPTING AWESOME IT IS A GREAT DAY AND I Luv comments2, visit often.. What?

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