space puppy !

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18 year old they/them (profile in progress, be patient)

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Mood: bored

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space puppy !'s Interests


i am really into the philosophy of absurdism! i collect vinyl, figurines, and weird knowledge >_< my special interests are space, sharks, and pups! (i also cosplay and lose most of my time playing videogames)


from black metal to dream pop! i am very intense when it comes to music, just ask if i like it and i’ll answer (^ー^) (listening to the sounds of ceres and have a nice life)


i love weird movies! top 3 rn are raw, mysterious skin and climax :3


mostly anime! i love romcoms and psychological stuff >_< my top 3 rn are madoka magica, tonari no kaibutsu-kun, and maid-sama (the netflix show beef is amazing!)


i love reading, specially space and philosophy stuff :P i’m currently reading The Stranger 


Jerma985  _(┐「ε:)_

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About me:

sugary clearpilled schizoid on a mission (^_-)

18 year old nb with a passion for absurdism and the likes 

Who I'd like to meet:

friends wit same interest are always welcome~ (๑>◡<๑) i’m a bit of a yapper so beware!