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"at school no power 😒😒"

16!! stay away pedos she/her

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Mood: pissed tf off

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XxxEverSkyxxX's Interests


I just love fashion best way to exprezz yourself on top of that it's so easy to tell if someone's fake simply just by what you wear like if your not gonna be nice to be just cause im wearing a little bit of black eyeliner and a studded belt you don't deserve to be my friend I like anime to my favtoirs are JJBA, Junji ito, and Death Note Misa is such a fashion icon I love doing my makeup and listeing to music hanging out in my room and with my BFFS is my favorite its hard for me to find friends not make them if I dont like ur vibe ur gone sorry XOXO :p Im basiclly a timr traveler from the 80/90s/00z I know im cringe and I rlly dont care


I love music its basically my life I love most gernes some of my favorite artists are Kesha Avril Lavigne Millionaires Basshunter Superheaven PTV!! MCR!! Linken Park Flyleaf FIR!! Green Day Blink182 PATD!! Slipknot Nirvana Foo Fighters Korn Soundgarden Billy Idol The Smiths Rob Zombie The Cure Gunz N Rosez AIC!! Megadeth POM!! Type O Negative Ozzy Osbourne Black Sabbeth Exodus Airbourne Kittie Bad Religion Theres more but my recent spotify wrapped had over 400 diffrent artists and 157 diffrent gernes so plz cut me some slack :,(


I love watching movies especially ones that horror movies my fav genre would have to be between horror or sci fi and I'm kinda of a nerd when it comes to movies like lord of the rings and my childhood show was star trek so... but I love the saw movies and the matrix I think the story is sososo creative and I love movies where it has an intrusive plot and backstory. but I also like movies that are about teens NOT FOR THEM I hate that stuff in media when they get a bunch of 25 year old and the producers are like 40 year old pervs and try to stimulate what they think high schoolers are like movies about teens are always the best yk when you take a real genuine teenager and talk about it the movie will feel real like Thirteen its raw and it almost feels real but even though its not really a show the game class of 09 has to be my fav thing ever some of the scenarios are blow of proportion but its so real and I love it sm


MONSTER HIGH I LOVEEE and Nana,TWD,Breaking Bad I watch other shows  I just can’t remember any others rn :c


I mostly just read junji ito most of the other books I read Im more of a visual person as a kid I used to read so much but now that I know I learn move from visuals its easier for me to watch movies or books with pictures but sadly most books with photos are kids books so thats why I like junji ito I feel like his stories are so creative and his art really shows his fears because he's afraid of everything I think that's such a cool perspective


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XxxEverSkyxxX's Blurbs

About me:

HII Im Mika I'm 16 and hoping to get out of school as soon as I can cause it suckz and its prob the equivalent of a sample of aids i have a lot of sub styles like Scene, Mcbling, Lolita, Goth, Emo, Gyaru etc. it all depends on what im feeling if you see me on here and your know me irl no you dont and but thats ok cause no loser from my school would be on here anyways I only would give this to ppl who matter I love hello kitty and sanrio old hottopic and speacers needs to come back!!!! Studded belts,tats,piecings,drawing,Fatel Frame, Class of 09, kittys,monster energy,baking,Roblox,gloomy bear,domo,Vampires,Zombies

Who I'd like to meet:

I’d like to meet the nasty little basted who though it was a good idea to give birth to the hellspawn that is my math teacher so I beat her ass 

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